
Anti-cancer Guard - Chinese Yew


(First-Grade State Protection Plant)

红豆杉(拉丁学名:Taxus chinensis (Pilger) Rehd.),为我国特有树种,分布于甘肃南部、陕西南部、四川、云南东北部及东南部、贵州西部及东南部、湖北西部、湖南东北部、广西北部和安徽南部(黄山),常生于海拔1000~1200米以上的高山上部。 红豆杉属于浅根植物,其主根不明显、侧根发达,是世界上公认濒临灭绝的天然珍稀抗癌植物,从红豆杉提炼出来的紫杉醇对癌症疗效突出,被称为“治疗癌症的最后一道防线”。紫杉醇对肿瘤具有独特的抵抗机制,同时又显著的抑制肿瘤的作用。由于在自然条件下红豆杉生长速度缓慢,再生能力差,所以很长时间以来,世界范围内还没有形成大规摸的红豆杉原料林基地。

Chinese Yew (Scientific Latin Name: Taxus chinensis (Pilger) Rehd.) is a species native to China, distributed in southern Gansu, southern Shaanxi, Sichuan, northeastern and southeastern Yunnan, western and southeastern Guizhou, western Hubei, Northeastern Hunan, northern Guangxi and southern Anhui (Huangshan). It is often found in the upper part of the mountain above 1000-1200 meters. Chinese yew belongs to a shallow-rooted plant, its primary root is not obvious, lateral root developed. It is a rare natural anticancer plant recognized as endangered in the world. Paclitaxel, which is derived from Chinese yew, is so effective against cancer that it has been called "The last line of defense against cancer". Paclitaxel has a unique mechanism of tumor resistance and has a significant effect on tumor inhibition. Due to the slow growth rate and poor regeneration ability under natural conditions, there has not been a large-scale yew forest base in the world for a long time.

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