Pioneer of Amphibian— Bufo gargarizans
中华蟾蜍(学名:Bufo gargarizans)是蟾蜍科,属于两栖动物。都说“癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉”,那么癞蛤蟆长什么样呢?癞蛤蟆学名中华蟾蜍,体型较大,背后生长着很多乳黄色的圆形瘰疣,四肢粗壮,前肢短,后肢长。一般生活于阴湿的草丛中、土洞里以及砖石下等,以蜗牛、蝗虫等为食,天鹅并不在它的食谱中哦。中华蟾蜍还具有一定的药用价值,不要因为他的外表而去伤害它。
Bufo gargarizans is the family Toad and amphibian. As the saying goes,"The toad wants to eatthe meat ofthe swan", so what does the toad look like?The toad, which is actually called Bufo gargarizans, is relatively large and has a lot of round milky yellow warts on its back.The limbs are stout with short forelimbs and long hindlimbs. Generally, it lives in the wet grass, soil holes and under bricks and stones, and takes snails and locusts as food. Swans are not part of its diet. Bufo gargarizans also have certain medicinal value. Please don’t hurt it because of his appearance.