Flowering on Leaves - Helwingia Japonica
青荚叶(拉丁学名:Helwingia japonica (Thunb.) Dietr.),山茱萸科,青荚叶属落叶灌木,高可达2米。叶纸质,卵形、卵圆形、稀椭圆形,先端渐尖,极少数先端为尾状渐尖,叶基部阔楔形或近于圆形,边缘具刺状细锯齿;初夏开花,雌雄异株,花小,黄绿色,生于叶面中央的主脉上。核果球形,黑色,故又名“叶上珠”。分布于中国河南、陕西及长江流域至华南各地。青荚叶全株入药,其茎髓入药称为“小通草”,为《中华人民共和国药典》(2010 版)收录。有清热、解毒、活血、消肿的疗效;中国民间或用作阴症药。
Helwingia Japonica(Scientific Latin Name: Helwingia japonica (Thunb.) Dietr.), a deciduous shrub in the family Cornaceae, can grow up to 2m tall. Paper-like leaves are ovoid and elliptic, leaf blades gradually pointed in the front and rarely pointed at the back; Leaf base is broadly cuneate or nearly rounded with spiny jagged edges; It blooms in early summer, dioecious, with small yellow-green flowers growing from the main veins in the central leaf surface. It fruits spherical black drupe, also known as "Beads on Leaves", and is distributed in Henan, Shaanxi, Yangtze River basin and surrounding areas of South China.The whole plant of Helwingia Japonicacan be used as medicine, its stem pith is taken as a medicine named “Xiaotongcao”, which is included in the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (2010 version).It has the curative effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, and promoting blood circulation and detumescence, which is used by Chinese folkas a medicine for diseases caused by Yin.