Fairy of the Flowers - Chinese Trumpet Creeper
凌霄花(拉丁学名:Campsis grandiflora)是紫葳科、凌霄属攀援藤本植物,分布于中国中部,性喜温暖湿润、有阳光的环境,稍耐荫。借气生根攀援它物向上生长,羽状复叶,小叶卵形,边缘有锯齿,花鲜红色,花冠漏斗形,结蒴果,喜欢排水良好土壤,较耐水湿、并有一定的耐盐碱能力。有药用价值,有行血去瘀、凉血祛风的功效,也具观赏价值。凌霄早在春秋时期的《诗经》里就有记载,当时人们称之为陵苕,“苕之华,芸其贵矣”说的就是凌霄。凌霄花之名始见于《唐本草》,该书在“紫葳”项下曰:“此即凌霄花也,及茎、叶具用。”
Chinese Trumpet Creeper (Scientific Latin Name: Campsis grandiflora) is a climbing vine located in central China. It prefers warm, moist, sunny environments, tolerant to shade, climbing up other things by aerial roots, pinnate small ovoid compound leaf with jagged edges, and red flower with funnel-shaped corolla. It fruits capsules and grows well in drained soil, is more resistant to water and moisture, and has a certain ability to withstand salt and alkali. It has both ornamental value and medicinal value with the effect of dispelling blood stasis, cooling blood and removing wind. s early as the Spring and Autumn period was recorded as early as the Spring and Autumn Period inThe Book of Songs, at that time people called the Chinese Trumpet Creeper another name Ling Tiao. “Flowers of Ling Tiao are so rare and beautiful”. The name Lingxiaohua (Chinese Trumpet Creeper)first appeared in the "Purple myrtle" section ofTang Bencao: "This is Lingxiaohua, with useful stems and leaves."