Do you think I'm pretty? - Red-Belly Golden Pheasant
(Second-Grade State Protection Animal)
红腹锦鸡(学名:Chrysolophus pictus)又名金鸡,中型鸡类,体长59-110cm。尾特长,约38-42cm。雄鸟羽色华丽,头具金黄色丝状羽冠,上体除上背浓绿色外,其余为金黄色,后颈被有橙棕色而缀有黑边的扇状羽,形成披肩状。下体深红色,尾羽黑褐色,满缀以桂黄色斑点。雌鸟头顶和后颈黑褐色,其余体羽棕黄色,满缀以黑褐色虫蠢状斑和横斑。脚黄色。野外特征极明显,全身羽毛颜色互相衬托,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫具全,光彩夺目,是驰名中外的观赏鸟类。为中国特有鸟种,该物种分布的核心区域在中国甘肃和陕西南部的秦岭地区。
Red-Belly Golden Pheasant (Scientific Latin Name: Chrysolophus pictus), also known as golden pheasant, is medium-sized, 59-110cm long, with a long tail of about 38-42cm. The male has gorgeous feathers with a golden filamentous crest on the head; Except for the bottle green upper back area, the upper body is golden yellow; The hindneck is orange-brown fan-type feathers with black edges, forming a cloak; It is dark red on the lower body and dark brown on the tail feathersfull of cinnamon yellow spots. The head and hindneck of the female are black-brown, and the rest of the feathers are brown yellow, covered with black-brown worm-like spots and horizontal stripes; The feet are yellow.It has very obvious characteristics of wild birds, the colors of the feathers set off each other brilliantly, showing red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple, which makes it a well-known ornamental bird at home and abroad. An endemic bird native to China, this species is mainly distributed in the Qinling Mountains of Gansu and southern Shaanxi.